May 25, 2022Liked by Pairodocs

"This is extremely dangerous to our Democracy"...Can we really believe we live in a Democracy any more? I'm posting some of the comments from the video...

> This is like watching something from a dystopian future sci-fi movie. Problem is, IT'S REALLY HAPPENING.

> Most People don't realize that there's only about 6 companies that own all major news outlets globally whether it be news papers or T.V.

> This is a masterpiece! Conspiracies are no longer theory when evidence supports it. This video is 4 years old and yet...nothing has changed.

> Conservative control. Now that's some horse manure

> Project Mocking bird Media

> "The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers." - Thomas Jefferson

> "Propaganda is a monologue that is not looking for an answer, but an echo" - W. H. Auden

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May 25, 2022Liked by Pairodocs

That is why I flip back and forth between CNN and Fox, CTV and Rebel News... ;-)

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Share this with a Liberal and watch them squirm and make excuses: “Well maybe they are trying to … Maybe they want to …

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OMG! How many times can “This is extremely dangerous to our democracy” be repeated! Actually quite sickening to listen to.

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May 25, 2022·edited May 26, 2022

Creepy, and horrifying. I believe it was last June when Childrens Health Defense shared a video produced by Women for Health Freedom, The Netherlands. The link to this documentary appears near the top of the article. It’s very eye opening, and sheds light as to who the global elites are that control what’s happening in our world today. The doc is approx 45 minutes, and is essential imo.


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You want to go down the rabbit hole? Follow the money. Who owns the media? Now who really owns the media?

Next, research Project Mocking Bird. Note which government organization drove that program. Now note the spouses of people who work for that organization - what positions do they hold in the Media?

What conclusions can you draw from the information that is publicly available?

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Love it! Julie's phrase-"He who pays the piper, calls the tune..." Name the "Hes" & "see the pipers line up & deliver to the "Hes". Magnetic without working conscience!

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Actually each one of them on this video are extremely dangerous to our democracy. What a bunch of puppets. Some of them actually look like they are trying to convince themselves of that sentence.

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This works because 90%+ of the people only live, think, view locally. Watch Twitter and see how many people in Ontario think 99% of the Ford Gov actions on Covid are him trying to get reelected. Never mind he is doing the exact same thing as the rest of Canada. NS has had no mask mandate for weeks, yet in QC they talk constantly about how everyone is going to get sick and die from Covid once mask mandate lifted.

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Oh hon this has been circulating for years now. I even saw it on John Oliver's show, back when he was still speaking truth to power instead of regurgitating the same narrative as all the other journalists. Ironic, huh? Just goes to show the kind of cognitive dissonance required if you want to hang your ideology on the mainstream media nowadays.

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