Feb 5, 2023Liked by Pairodocs

Thanks for another great article. as I'm sure you are both aware, this is a much larger story than blurring sexual identity in sports and its consequential 'unfairness'. It is, as Jennifer Bilek has suggested, ultimately an on-ramp to transhumanism, which I'm sure you'll deal with in subsequent installments.

First, you 'normalize' anything Goes and Nothing Matters, in a strategy to induce identity and cultural vertigo, and then you roll out (mandate) the New Normal.

Five years ago I would have balked at these suggestions. But the evidence is everywhere to be seen.

Jennifer Bilek's blog: https://www.the11thhourblog.com/

Policy Horizons Canada : The future of "Reproduction"


Policy Horizons Canada: What Is Biodigital Convergence?


Note how the public messaging of this strange and clandestine "forecasting think tank" within the government of Canada has such tight fidelity with WEF promotional materials in its cartoonish and schizophrenic iconography, music choice, and overall texture and flavour.

Canada is a Beta test because we are a credulous, trusting, innocent and naive people.

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Like so many things of recent years, more BS. If you call it out, you are obviously shunned and shamed. Society is being destroyed, fabric by fabric.

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I don't know if this will be discussed in part 2... Intersex athletes with a Y chromosome (intersex athletes without the Y chromosome are not over-performing) medal 6x more than women, even though they can sometimes trick people into thinking they're women, they are not. During the Eastern Block years of dominating sport, they selected kids from a young age and trained them up, as a career "choice". Part of their sporting program success was selecting male intersex people (with a Y chromosome) pumped them with more testosterone, and they broke many many records. Sharron Davies, the British swimmer, spent many years with a group of other athletes trying to have those records removed, but that group also failed. Many of those records by males will never be broken.

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I find the line "has XY chromosomes but looks like a woman".

Caster Semenya looks exactly like an ex-boyfriend of mine. He was a strapping Grecco Roman wrestler with a godly physique. I think language such as "looks like a woman/man"is pointless because our external appearance is a social construct (how we wear our hair, our clothes, how we smile, specially in trad countries, people mostly conform to societal expectations of performance. People may superficially *feel* Semenya looks like a woman, but I, as a non performative person, only see the Y chromosome within :)

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Well written and certainly a topic of interest. Another solution would be to expand the categories to compete under. 1) female 2) FTM 3) Male 4) MTF ( in no particular order )

With respect to the intersex and the non binary athletes according to their XX vs XY status and hormone status.

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Feb 5, 2023·edited Feb 5, 2023

This is one case where a seemingly complicated issue may actually have a relatively simple solution.

In any sport where male physiology confers an advantage athletes should be placed in genetic classes.

XX, XO and XXX in one class, and XY, XXY and XYY in another.

In sports where there is no advantage to male physiology, there should be no division.

For example, in the equestrian and shooting (Biathlon excepted) sports there needs be no distinction, whereas in weight lifting, running, etc., there should be clear genetic distinction.

I suppose Testicular Feminization may pose its own unique challenge. In this case the physiology may be female despite the genetics. Having said this, it is the very rare case where physiology is entirely female, and the anatomy never is.

So perhaps add a third class for intersex athletes...

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