I think the guys are starting to fight back.

Jacinda Ardern-NZ; Chrystia Freeland, Canada; Angela Merkel, Germany; HIlary, USA & The Iron Lady in England have shown us that women have no qualms about bombing children into tiny pieces and no qualms about lying repeatedly even when it means millions will die... Ibid, those in the professions.

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That was hugely entertaining.

Great piece.

Filled with heresies, of course... suggesting that men are different from women!! Off with your head!

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May 21Liked by Pairodocs

Yes, to dare suggest men are different than women! We are different, of course, except perhaps in one area--we are all being manipulated. Yikes. That sounds right out there, doesn't it?

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May 21Liked by Pairodocs

Brilliant stuff! Four thoughts. 1. This wonderful change is associated with smaller families and more childless women and hence the demographic death spiral across the west which the elites tell us can only be dealt with by importing huge number of immigrants from a culture where men still rule. WCPGW? 2. In societies where women are not nominally in charge, they don't have to be Lady MacBeth actually to be in charge! Given most males are brought up by mothers, grannies and female school maams, and then sex arises, men are readily prone to female control. 3. As the quest for female dominance takes off, everything always goes too far and moves rapidly to left authoritarianism......so pursuing fairness and equal opportunity leads to diversity hires and 'affirmative action', women bishops lead to marxist , destroyed churches, mad feminism leads to the destruction of female sports by trans men and increased rates in violence against women etc etc. 4. Even in western civilization there have been some spectacularly successful women rulers...Elizabeth 1, Elizabeth II, Catherine the Great, Victoria, arguably Mrs Thatcher, Golda Meir, Kim Campbell (just kidding), but check out Ranavalona I of Madagascar who managed to half the population of her country, largely by brutality, in 6 years....and in line with your position the Wikipedia piece on her is trying to minimize her excesses and rehabilitate her as an anti-imperialist feminist!

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May 21Liked by Pairodocs

Great post. Thanks.

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He was speaking at Rutgers I believe. Apparently, you can't espouse Catholic values iN a Catholic institution. I can just imagine how tedious and nauseating talking bobble heads on sports talk radio reacted to this. Sports writers are more woke than wokesters. I don't know why.

Speaking of football, notice how you can't even breathe on a Quarterback anymore. Thanks Brady! Or how the classic body check is all but gone from hockey. No old time hockey here. Or the art of the elegant hard slide tackle in soccer - look up Paolo Malidni. Or how pitchers can no longer send a message to a batter arrogantly crowing the plate with his elbow armour. A brush cut keeps things honest. Bench clearing brawls are healthy. It's a way to clear up pent up anger. Let the boys at it as Thin Lizzy sang. Even boxing has lost its edge. Where are the Ward-Galatti-Leonard-Hagler-Duran-Hearns rivalries? Remember the Habs-Bruins, Packers-Bears, Lakers-Celtics, and Yankees-Red Sox rivalries? They took NO prisoners. Could you imagine the Broadstreet Bullies, Bad Boys Pistons and Just win baby Raiders playing today? People would faint. I knew it was all over when I went to an Alouettes game many years ago when they first moved into McGill Stadium. When I was growing up, I was in smoke filled boxing and hockey arenas in Montreal where the men drank beer and fought in the aisles. That day, the couple in front of me were eating sushi. Enough said.

It's all sanitized now. Boy scouts are just Scouts now. BBQing is toxic you know. Men show up in semi upscale restaurants in flip flops now. We go 'cas' now. Drivers do 80 in a passing lane and ain't gonna move because they're following the 'rules'. Never mind UNWRITTEN rules of common etiquette that once rules the road - but still do in Europe for the most part. And of course, you must obey public health orders no matter how irrational they seem. Don't question your instincts. That's bad and should be illegal!

Kids need to watch less Caillou and learn to wield a battle axe. Ok, a bit extreme but at least learn to swing a baseball bat and stare a 70 mph fast ball coming at you. 90 and up is just too scary. A knuckleball shows you life can be screwy. I digress.

No more effort is made. Pride in one's work is optional. It's more important to enable people's anxiety by letting them work from home where we can hear them bang on their keyboards probably feeding the cat as they dole out important information.

We need a purge. And I mean a Carolingian removing the Merovingian brutes type purge. It's the only way to get Raphael, Michelangelo and Da Vinci back in the saddle.

/Fin rant. Takes bow. Kicks mic. Raises middle finger as crowd gasps.

Headline next day: Are we raising a generation of uncouth rabble-rousing far right extremist bros who work out too much believing in conspiracy theories, disinformation and Samsquanch?

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Although I think some of the changes towards "kinder/gentler" have been healthy, it's the way they happened - declaring masculinity toxic and saying that females are equal but also better - that made it very destructive overall. I have no problem with rules going after head-shots in hockey or football, but things have gone so far that I've met parents (almost all moms, BTW) take their parents out of sports altogether because they are "too dangerous". Then their kids sit playing video games and get fat and anxious. An occasional concussion is way healthier than that anyday.


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May 21Liked by Pairodocs

Love your stuff. I had never heard of Chesterton's Fence before (I know the idea, but not the name for it), thanks for that. I too have noticed a general decline in service competence in the past few years, and this is a good take on it. As someone who has dealt with complex systems professionally for 35 years, I can say this phenom is definitively true.


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May 21Liked by Pairodocs

Guilty as charged--I'm a woman!! Just one little problem. This rings of the same kind of divisiveness that is as invasive and destructive as cane toads in Australia. Any self-respecting feminist/historian will surely (have to) admit that we got the vote, in Canada at least, because it was a move thought to help the incumbent government win an election that seemed otherwise doomed. So what is to be gained and who is gaining and profiting from this particular iteration of the great divide? One profession not mentioned in the list is finance. Our so-called current "finance minister" in Canada notwithstanding, women are largely excluded from the realms of high finance and appear to me to be mostly installed in so-called positions of power by the puppeteers who try to do knock-out punches on each other in a bid for global control of...everything. Who's behind the veil? That's what really matters and the sooner we stop engaging in ground level divisiveness the more we'll be able to understand. And...I look forward to part 3.

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May 21Liked by Pairodocs

So good Julie!

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May 29Liked by Pairodocs

The late, Great George Carlin. My god, how I miss his voice! Can you imagine if he had been living through the last 4 years?

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May 21Liked by Pairodocs

Thank you for another brilliantly satirical article! Your sharp wit and clever insights always make me laugh and think. Great job, as always - I really enjoyed it! Well done!

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May 21Liked by Pairodocs

Not sure if your post's title was meant to do this, but I've had Bonnie Tyler's Holding out for a Hero in my head all night. Just put it on for my work commute 😀

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"gynocratic technoauthoritarianism".

I hate when I don't come up with these terms. I need to have more V-8.

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Ha! That came out of me when Julie and I were discussing the article, and she immediately lit up.


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May 21Liked by Pairodocs

I enjoyed this essay. It brought me several new insights even on a topic that I have spent considerable time thinking about.

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May 21Liked by Pairodocs

Fantastic read. Thank you Julie!

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May 21Liked by Pairodocs

What a fantastic read!! Thank you!

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WW3 will be fought between

1) trannies, queers, degens, and liberal women

2) Muslim males

White men will sit this one out.

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