Thank you. So logically stated.

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if only this would make the mainstream news!

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Wouldn’t that be wonderful!

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Well-done. It is incredible how what many of us can see, others cannot (and yet, I missed the moonwalking Gorilla too). The difference is, I am willing to admit I missed what was clearly in sight. Some in my circle are so committed to the narrative, they refuse to open their eyes.

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I totally missed the moonwalking gorilla, and didn't even believe it could have been there. I watched again from the beginning because I thought they were playing some type of joke on me.

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“Is it more important for public health to focus on mitigating risks from things that kill 96% of us, or things that kill 4% of us?”

This statement is the essence of public health directions these past two years. Look at masking: infection through airborne spread is likely 99% of the time vs droplet spread and yet we were told to self-suffocate ourselves and our children. It’s like wearing a cloth mask underwater thinking it will keep you dry 🤦‍♀️

Now we know how people were convinced to hide under tables during a nuclear attack: garbage-in = garbage-out.

Awesome article 🤓

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This is such a great, clear, and logical explanation of the reasons for concern - I so appreciate it. I have, or had, a friend who sees no problem with vaccine mandates and won't engage with me on issues like vaccine safety since he says he is not aware of any problems among his acquaintance and he insists that he is not qualified to understand 'studies' and prefers to just trust PH. Yet we have a mutual friend who died suddenly after collapsing at home. I can't bring myself to be in touch with the friend who just won't question right now.

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It is impossible to link any one event to vaccination. Someone can get vaccinated, walk out of the building, and get hit by a meteor. It's coincidence. There is an analogy to trying to link a certain storm to changing climate. But when one starts to see more and more anomalies, it suggests a pattern or "signal" in the data that we should pay attention to. It is very hard for people who are "all in" on vaccines, and "all in" on putting their faith in authority to even consider that vaccines may carry risks. If they accept that, it fundamentally shakes their worldview. Which is a hard thing to do. Most of us do everything we can to make sense of the world in a way that will not force us to change our fundamental beliefs.

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In late February I lost a lifelong best friend to a massive stroke or heart attach. Died almost instantly. Last fall another close friend suffered a severe stroke and is still in a wheelchair. I thought I had better get a physical and blood work and am fortunate enough to have a family doctor. While there I asked my doctor about what appeared to be an inordinate increase in heart attacks and strokes over the past year and do you think it could be related to vaccine safety? Without looking me in the eye said “I think it’s because the gyms were closed and people weren’t getting proper exercise”. I don’t buy that explanation.

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It is going to be very hard to separate those 2 possible causes, and will take some very dedicated and brilliant statisticians!

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Agreed and thank you for speaking out. Eventually the insurance industry actuaries will weigh in on the data.

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Thank you! It’s so nice to read information that makes sense! I cannot believe how so many people have been “brain washed” and refuse to even question the safety of the vaccines. The media and health care have done a great job at hiding any information that proves otherwise.

Keep up the good work and let’s hope the remaining mandates will come to an end.

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As a nurse for over 28 years, I have seen more corruption and collusion in Healthcare over last few years more than ever before. Lethal protocols, fraudulent swabs, importing of patients (with average cold/upper respiratory symptoms) to increase FEMA reimbursement. The lipid-based mitochondrial drug-delivery system nanotechnology is not just in these jabs, flu shot and more. After discussing this technology with a PhD in Biotechnology, he stated,"You can put ANYTHING in this system to go through mitochondria", thereby destroying mRNA and annihilating nuclear DNA or reblueprinting. Many people are not aware of many Healthcare providers in US and CA being told over FIVE years ago to get flu shot or find another job. Some CA nurses filed a lawsuit and won. Sadly, some US nurses did not in NY. Surgeons have told me how they were threatened with losing privileges. Why are they willing to go to such extremes for something that is naturally a part of your microbiome/virome? Why all the threats, bribes, and fear propaganda. Just because something is newly discovered does not mean it is newly existent or "novel". We have technology and algorithms to see the genome, the microbiome/virome. Which unfortunately means we can study EXSTRINSIC ways to manipulate the microbiome/virome. Bees and wasps are part of the ecosystem, and they will sting you when antagonized. Same for your body's ecosystem. This article is good because if you are focusing (or forced to focus, enindated with propaganda and fear mongering) on individual components and do not look with a common sense big-picture lense you will miss this forest they are literally trying to obliterate right before our eyes.

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Thanks for your perspective and clarification and putting it together so well.

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Another great article!

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I've been surrounded by frontline providers who have buried their heads in the sand while watching the early Boomers die by their own ignorance (aka trusting the science). Where I live and work people live to be quite old. I'm not buying the 'They are old' or 'We knew the boomers were going to be sick when they aged'. Or even 'no correlation between this sentinel event and the vax'. This article says it exactly as I see it every day at work.

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Things are slowly coming out Chris. In UK Mark Steyn on GB News has been interviewing spouses of vaccine victims who's cause of death has been recorded as such by Coroners. (I recommend viewing.) These folks have been further abused by social media cancelling their posts for fake news! As always, they have received no compensation.....turns out the UK compensation unit has a staff of four!....nothing to see here. The health minister and drug companies have refused to engage though they have sent lawyers to the inquests and public health, which is a political and not a medical enterprise, push on with boosters, even for children. I am old enough to remember the thalidomide scandal and the role of the Sunday Times in revealing it. That wouldn't happen now with bought and paid for MSM. There is no place for real scientific debate and enquiry in authoritarian states and 'climate science' shows what happens when that is stifled.

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Meanwhile, and off topic, more gorillas are dancing before us in the form of monkeypox. Is Gates already invested in the companies making the smallpox vaccines which the US taxpayer has been forced to buy? Is it the case that this monkeypox vaccine, which I read in the Daily Mail (a pro rna paper) is different from the usual African sort? Has it been manipulated in a lab, as forecast by the Monkeypox release gaming event early in 2021? Was it focused on in order to get the order for those smallpox vaccines through? I'm assuming that the flow of Substacks from some key writers has slowed because minds are bending to these questions.

For us on this learned Substack, taking the smallpox vaccine will be out of the question. But this whole dancing monkeypox is surely going to cast an unfortunate shadow over Pride marches across the world.

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Once again, just what the doctor ordered (the good doctor, that is): https://mathewaldred.substack.com/p/more-insights-from-pairodocs?s=w

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Great article! I still wonder however; is/was C19 truly a pandemic? Especially knowing how the data was skewed from the onset ...

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I think it was a pandemic. But we have had many before without panicking and taking a wrecking ball to society. The 1957 and especially 1968 flu epidemics were about as deadly when you adjust for the world population at that time. Plus they were much more lethal to young people (COVID was much more confined to elderly/unwell in terms of mortality). Kelly (commenter here) quite rightly points out that the WHO is changing its definition of pandemic from a disease that causes significant mortality in multiple countries, to a disease that is present in multiple countries. So if impetigo goes around the world next year, it could be defined under the new rules as a "pandemic". Plus, the new rules will give the WHO power over elected governments, and the power to control our civil rights. They are unelected and unaccountable, and radically collectivist. It is a frightening time.

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I believe that change in definition was made around the time of H1N1 (which is how it was declared a pandemic….)

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Thanks for that - you are right. Someone had told me it changed recently but my lovely wife told me today it was an H1N1 change.

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And the definition changing....

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Love this article 👏

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excellent article - I found the CBC article about NB very strange when I read it last week - I think one of the possible reasons that they gave was that NB had lifted the mask mandates for a short time period last summer/early fall lol

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The fact that the article did not even mention vaccination as a POSSIBILITY is disturbing. I think we are all so trained by a year and a half of hearing the chant of "SAFE AND EFFECTIVE" that nobody even considers it. But the fundamental scientific principle of skepticism demands we do. I also find it hilarious when they mention things such as the ending of mask mandates being the cause, when the article itself already says the mortality wasn't from COVID. So even if masks worked, masks can't have any relevance. They essentially twist themselves into illogical knots to support masks even though it's a complete non-sequitur.

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