Children and teenagers who were not vaccinated for COVID were further damaged because as in Calgary Alberta, they were not allowed to participate in their out of school activities such as: art, drama, hockey, swimming, gymnastics, dance. Furthermore they are forever psychologically impacted by being labelled as coming from families who are selfish, "grandma killers", and in the words of Justin Trudeau, demonized by being referred to as "misogynist, racist etc etc." FYI I write this as a great-grandmother.

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Mar 21, 2022Liked by Pairodocs

Well, duh! I hope this information reaches beyond the choir loft.

Our youngest was in grade 9 when this all came down. He also has "multiple exceptionalities", that is, neurodevelopmental disabilities.

Despite living in an area that was very lightly affected, his life pretty much stopped. No classroom. No therapies. No clubs. His besty's family completely locked in, so he wasn't there. Fortunately one friend was able to.visit. Even the older siblings became unavailable, except via the exhausting Zoom chat.

Now, he would be quite happy to live out the rest of his life staring at a screen. We are busting our butts to get his now-adult self out into society again. He is resenting it immensely.

Despite the hours I spent trying to make an on-screen education work for him, his literacy and numeracy are much farther behind than they needed to be. And he is not economically or culturally disadvantaged.

I do not envy those who, in their waning years, are at the mercy of these now youthful folks.

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I've heard similar reports from other parents of kids with disabilities. It's tragic that this has happened--and that it was all done in such a knee-jerk way, with no analysis of the potential harms. We weren't even allowed to talk about potential harms--it was all "you can't be too safe." Apparently you can be too safe. Hope your boy can get back on track, nonetheless.

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Mar 24, 2022Liked by Pairodocs

I understand completely what you are saying as a parent of an autistic young adult who I have had to push over the years to socialize...she is more than happy to be left alone on her computer with her music and computer games, etc. Realizing early on in 2020 that something wasn't quite right with the propaganda being thrown at us 24/7 I tried to keep things as normal as possible and her anxiety levels down. I can't imagine if I had been an anxious "Karen"(for lack of a better word), where my daughter would be today.

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Mar 22, 2022Liked by Pairodocs

I’ve been saying a similar thing for a while… we have a policy problem, not a Covid problem. It’s the bad policies and unquestioning devotion to them that have caused most of the harm, not Covid itself.

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I will be sharing this widely! Very well written, hitting all the key points. Many thanks.

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Mar 22, 2022Liked by Pairodocs

Sadly, the kids who had to endure two years of a 'piss-poor' attempt by educators at trying to educate kids via zoom will pay a hefty price indeed. Academically. Socially. Physically. Mentally. This will plague these kids both short term and long term and will ripple out to affect society as a whole, at which point, you can add financially to the mix. What a total disaster the management of covid has turned out to be!

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Mar 21, 2022Liked by Pairodocs

YES,YES,YES. Can't wait for full exposure to come to perpetrators & blinded for justice for peretrators and scales off the blinded caught in the mass psychosis. Thank you. 🙏🏻

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We are in a very sad state of affairs. Our leader has betrayed us. On the 23 March Federal Health Minister Jean-Yves Duclos said, “ vaccination and masks will continue to be important over coming weeks because the epidemiology situation in Canada is improving but unstable “.

There are none so blind as those who will not see.

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Sadly, this is exactly as expected to everyone who's been paying attention. Child development psychologists were raising the alarm about this in April of 2020. As to the NPCs, they will continue averting their eyes and bleating about how it was necessary to close the schools to protect the children from the doomcoof. "We had to destroy the lives of the children in order to save them" seems to be the logic, if "logic" is even a word that can be used in reference to people who enthusiastically believe every bit of nonsense that gets pushed into their soft heads by the lying regime media.

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this is all on purpose. There is no way a government can ignore this unless its the agenda. We are living in tyranny and Trudeau is committing treason. where are the courts? where are the police? Crimes against humanity, akin to 1930s Germany!

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What I find confusing here is that this essay begins by accusing the NY Times of fear mongering on the negative effects of school closures and then later on argues that countries like Sweden had better education outcomes by not closing schools as compared to Finland. So the NY Times had it right?

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No, I am not accusing the New York Times of fear mongering about school closures. I'm accusing them of fear mongering about COVID in general--which indirectly lead to school closures. And now they seem surprised (rather hypocritically since they ignored the voices of people trying to warn them) that school closures turned out to have negative effects. They were the ones pushing the false narrative that COVID was very dangerous to kids (and all of us) to the extent that the average person who read the New York Times throughout the pandemic wildly overestimated their risk (and their children's risk) of hospitalization and death. This put pressure on officials to close schools and keep them closed. And now they have the gaul to blame "the pandemic" (rather than their own fear-mongering) for the damage that's been done to kids. So no, the New York Times did not have it right--they were part of the problem--although they are doing a decent job at pointing out the learning deficits that kids are now facing.

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Well the way article reads, the first paragraphs about the NY Times are related to the effects of school closures rather than the cause of school closures. Maybe that needs to be made more explicit.

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Yes, perhaps I could have done a better job of making that clear. Thanks for the feedback.

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Mar 22, 2022Liked by Pairodocs

I like the articles!

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Mar 22, 2022Liked by Pairodocs

I didn't get that impression when I read it. I understood what the author was saying.

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