It seems like the media and teachers unions want to bring back masking in Ontario. They are talking about the hospitals being overwhelmed again too.

So frustrating.

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Yes - I'm following this push. There are about 5% of doctors who are quite hysterical about COVID and push for more restrictions, closures, and masks. More people (and more doctors!) need to speak up against this insanity.

People forget that the hospital system has been overwhelmed for 20 years or more. When I left Ontario in 2003 we already had to call multiple hospitals to find ICU beds for critically ill patients. There were times when we transferred patients to upstate New York because of lack of beds.

We had an emergency meeting about ER overcrowding and hallway medicine in Sydney in ~2004. COVID is a useful scapegoat for our long-crumbling healthcare system in Canada. It allows us to avoid working on the real problems by focusing on red herrings, and politicians and healthcare administrators get let off the hook. Convenient!

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Doug Ford is a lost cause. Hopefully Alberta will lead the way, but the media is in full attack mode trying to obstruct Smith and bring her down.

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Nov 13, 2022Liked by Pairodocs

love this article ! Please keep writing . You are keeping all of us sane ! Thank you!

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Might not be working on myself, but thankfully I'm married to a psychiatrist!

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Nov 13, 2022Liked by Pairodocs

My daughter was absolutely criminalized for her stand on masks including taunts and being ostracized by her aunts, uncles and cousins for refusing to go along with it and forced immunizations.

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Please share this with her. It's attributed to Gandhi but not actually him who said it.

"First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they attack you. Then you win."

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Masks tend to be advocated by people who are scientifically illiterate enough not to know their nanos from their micros.

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Nov 13, 2022Liked by Pairodocs

Agree wholeheartedly. Like the explanation (not my words) "immune debt" developed by masking & isolation as probable reason for increased illness with rsv, flu, covid etc. Not to mention dependence on the boosting boosters in adults.

So disheartening to see Legacy media use general population fed with fear through the narrative & they become new advertising to encourage/ shame to compliance.

.....also that no Public health official will be transparent to air the realities of masking.

Praying for breakthrough and real medical care for our citizens but maybe the real root of the problem has not been exposed yet. My thoughts. Thanks for comment page . Got to read Francis Christian page-So helps connecting with like minds. 👍 jlym

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Francis is a hero of mine. I love his writing.

I think the immunity deficit is more a function of social isolation than masking, although masking may be part of the equation for droplet-spread respiratory diseases. It is hard not to eye-roll these days when I see people like Andre Picard try to say the surge in diseases is from immune damage from people having had COVID. This picture of humans as frail and fragile, and other humans as vectors of disease and death, is sad, destructive, and anti-human.

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Nov 12, 2022Liked by Pairodocs

Do you believe that this current surge of respiratory illness in the pediatric population is in part due to their immune systems being stunted for 3 years? Being isolated from other children, masking, excessive hand sanitizer, ect.

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Nov 13, 2022·edited Nov 13, 2022Author

See my reply to the above comment. Definitely social isolation is part of it. Masking maybe a smaller part. Babies' immune systems are designed to be exposed to diseases, allergens, etc. There is great evidence to say that "protecting" kids from allergens when they are babies actually causes MORE allergy problems (and predisposes to autoimmune disorders) as the immune system doesn't get "trained" to see dogs, cats, and dust as just normal. And every parent knows the phenomenon of how kids get approximately 1 gajillion colds the first year they are in daycare. And if they don't go to daycare it happens when they go to school. Their immune systems need exposure to disease on a regular basis to stay normally functional.

The surge of RSV we are seeing was predicted by many smart doctors when we first decided that lockdown was a good plan in early 2020. We are now reaping what we sowed.

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Boris looks clearly hypoxic when he removes his mask for that photograph, that they all quickly 'strip' off for.

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It never will make sense.

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Nov 13, 2022Liked by Pairodocs

As always, thank you Pairodocs ~ a good summary on masking, that’s very shareable. We so appreciate your continued efforts in shining much needed light in this time of darkness.

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Nov 12, 2022Liked by Pairodocs

We're in the midst of a religious war. A little effort in any public library would spell it out. Westerners are in the It-can't happen-here stage of childish naiveté or human self-domestication. People passing out on camera in real-time, child sacrifice... what has to be most interesting to analysts--but shouldn't be--is how the educated (priests) are the most zealous.

There is a cruise ship docking in Sydney today. It should be the only item of Covid alaysis; but it won't be.

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What do you say to young impressionable dental students who are wrapped up in masks, face shields, head caps, gloves, gowns, shoe covers, all disposable?

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Dentistry is one of the few professions where wearing a mask makes sense. Nothing to do with COVID, but rather avoiding having dental goo from your patient spray into your mouth as you are drilling and filling.

Hospitals (and it sounds like dental offices) have the biggest environmental footprint of any industry. We have no energy stewardship (every light left on, every computer left on), use mostly disposable plastic products, and are almost never conscious of the fact that there is such a thing as "too much medicine". Even some of our metal instruments are now disposable (suture gear that I use now gets chucked not sterilized).

I suspect this is even worse in socialist systems like Canada, where healthcare is "free", but that's totally a feeling with no evidence to support it. In the USA, waste may be a function of lawyers and fear of lawsuits and perhaps that is an even more powerful factor.

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Nov 19, 2022Liked by Pairodocs

Excellent article. Joe Rogan had a good line about masks; that they are red MAGA hats for left-wingers.

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Love that - hadn't heard it. Rogan gets a much larger audience than CNN for good reason.

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