"The lawyer assigned to my case analogized my op-ed to “someone standing on a soap box in the park and denying the holocaust” and suggested that if I “showed contrition” I could probably keep my license." With allies like that who needs enemies? I would have been shocked to have heard that before 2020, but now now. I'm so pleased you got through those dark days. You are an inspiration to us all. And thank you to Lisa too. I'm cross-posting this because there may be other Canadians that need this kind of help too.

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Great story Lisa!

As I don't 'contribute to your comment activity Mathew, I'm taking the liberty of letting you know my opinion on these ridiculous controls forced upon all that attempt to tell the truth;

I stated; Great to hear you kept your medical licence as well as your self esteem!

I retired from work 20 years ago so have nothing to lose by spreading, what I believe is the truth - since the start of the Covid Scamdemic and DEADLY injection they pretend is a VACCINE!

I suppose I will become more vulnerable when the WEF New World Order introduces the authoritarian controls through Digital Currencies, when my life, thoughts and actions will become more controllable.

But I hope I'll be too old to care by the the time such desperate action has become embedded in our daily actions.

I'll still strive to spread the word about the nonsense of NO LIABILITY for Big Pharma in regards to their dangerous and sinister medicines - designed for profit - noy human wellbeing!


Mick from hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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Hi Lisa!

Great to hear you kept your medical licence as well as your pride and self esteem!

I retired from work 20 years ago so have nothing to lose by spreading, what I believe is the truth - since the start of the Covid Scamdemic and DEADLY injection they pretend is a VACCINE!

I suppose I will become more vulnerable when the WEF New World Order introduces the authoritarian controls through Digital Currencies, when my life, thoughts and actions will become more controllable.

But I hope I'll be too old to care by the the time such desperate action has become embedded in our daily actions.

I'll still strive to spread the word about the nonsense of NO LIABILITY for Big Pharma in regards to their dangerous and sinister medicines - designed for profit - noy human wellbeing!


Mick from hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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I like "show me a healthy person and I'll show you someone who hasn't had enough tests yet".

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I often say something similar to this, Doc. If 'they' keep rooting around they will find something to give you a prescription for or another test or some other BS. Of course, I have not followed much of their advice when I have needed them so then they throw their hands up in frustration.

So happy that you can still practice. I wish I had a good doctor like yourself and others here in Canada that have stood by their patients right to choose. Continued Blessings.

And thanks to Lisa for all the work she does!!

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You know what would go a long way? For conservatives to not label anyone who disagrees with them as "leftist". As someone who reared 4 kids, and who was also once a college student, applying political labels to adolescents is ridiculous. Just say some students objected to your speech instead of using a label that has lost all meaning other than as a weapon to dismiss people.

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Hi Liz, this is Julie (the other half of the "pairodocs") replying. Chris may have his own comments. We certainly don't label anyone who disagrees with us as "leftists" and would not have called ourselves "conservative" until very recently, when that word came to be synonymous with people who are trying to preserve classically liberal values like freedom of speech and equality under the law. Both of us were card carrying Green Party members in the past and, in fact, Chris was a GPC candidate (and the Green Party's national health critic) back in the early 00's. Also, I'm not sure what gave you the impression that the people who tried to silence us were "adolescents." They were mostly people who were in their 40's and 50's, in fact, and they were people with a long history of far left activism and attempting to cancel dissenting voices. They are well funded and organized and they didn't just "object to our speech", they tried (unsuccessfully) to ruin Chris's medical career for the crime of "wrongthink." I strongly support anyone's right to disagree with me and make contrary arguments and (unlike the activists who attacked us) will defend to the death their right to say it.

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A few thoughts.

Where did "students" come from? Not sure if we talked specifically about students? Maybe that was Lisa and I'm forgetting?

FYI I am a former Green Party guy who is a bicycle advocate, mostly vegetarian, wear and earrring. Am I "conservative"? That's a bit of an automatic label on your part, and the mirror-image of using the term "leftist" :-).

I don't use "leftist" as a "weapon", but as a descriptor that most people can understand quickly. It avoids me having to use a paragraph to explain exactly what I mean every time I mention an individual or group with a certain political leaning. Any one word is necessarily inexact.

As you may know from history, "leftist" has a certain meaning dating back to early days of French parliament, and has a (mostly) agreed-upon definition,, although that is somewhat more nebulous over time. In general, most of us know what is meant by "leftist" - generally collectivists, individual rights less important than group rights, individuals owe a debt to less fortunate, suspicion of the rich as having become so by nefarious means, etc. But that's a lot to write each time, so I just say "leftist", and the vast majority of people understand.

I'm open to a different name for a person of that particular political stripe, but it's not accurate just to say "students" because there are "conservative" students (your word), leftist students, marxist students, apolitical students, etc etc. It's not "students" engaged in cancel culture. It is woke/leftist/marxist/choose-your-term-of-choice students, who make up a minority of the student body (and society in general) but who are very vocal and politically-engaged.

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My comment was addressed to the guest, not the hosts. 🙂 And my opinion stands. There's no need to keep labeling people when the labels no longer have any real meaning. There are plenty of alternative adjectives that can be used that don't come with decades'-worth of identity-politics baggage. Or simply "a small group of students".

Perhaps someday we can chat about why you both got defensive on the subject, which seems to be all too common a reaction these days. 😉

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Yes, would be a good conversation for in person (internet sucks for some things!)

But - and not meant in an argumentative way but serious question - how come you can use the word "conservative" if Lisa can't use "leftist"? Both have baggage in 2023, both are incomplete short-hand notation for broader concepts. How can one be OK but not the other?

And my criticism of using "students" still stands. It would be like saying "a small group of black people held robbed a bank today" rather than "a group of criminals robbed a bank today". Most black people are law-abiding and don't rob banks. Most students are not participating in cancel culture. "Students" doesn't really describe the type of people who would try to stop a talk, or get someone fired, or twitter-mob someone, even though on average students do this more than non-students, or older age groups.

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Mainly because, if you review the situation, “conservative” is very rarely used these days. Our political parties are described as “liberal” (which it hasn’t been for decades) and “right-wing”. I don’t think I’ve seen any GOP politician refer themselves as “conservative” more than half a dozen times in the past year; they hardly ever use any of the standard appellations to self-describe. For that reason, “conservative” doesn’t really come with the same level of baggage as “leftist”, which frankly has little to no meaning these days that’s not derived from the labeler’s bias.

I’d love a face-to-face, but I don’t go anywhere these days, being 75 and experiencing PPS; so it would have to be Facetime or something similar. I think it would be fun, because it seems we three actually tend to agree on a lot of stuff. And I remember the 60s and 70s. 😂

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