As you know, I work in this area. I cover three clinics in Vancouver and Surrey. Belly of the beast. Some of my patients became addicted from prescribed opiate analgesics, usually for physical injuries - professional sports, workplace accidents, MVAs, etc. These are the minority, however. If there is a common denominator, it is that most become addicted through self-medicating for an undiagnosed or untreated mental health disorder. Social anxiety, ADHD, OCD, generalized anxiety, PTSD. The drug douses that psychological pain and transforms the world into a warm, golden, happy place. Why wouldn't you imbibe in that instance. And keep imbibing until, unfortunately, your find yourself in the trap of opiate addiction. Like the rat park, the solution is to provide that warm, golden, happy place that would obviate the need for drugs. In the meantime, keeping those folks alive by providing reliable prescription drugs vs the dangerous, unpredictable street drugs makes sense. Our chief coroner keeps telling us that those prescription drugs are not causing overdose deaths while the street drugs are. As far as I know there is no evidence to the contrary although there is a lot of wailing and gnashing of teeth in the media claiming that is so. Until we have addressed root causes, offering a safe drug supply makes sense. I can't think of a better interim measure.

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With much addiction surrounding the people that were in my life and myself as well at one point, I look forward to this series.

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Destined to fail? It already has bigly in BC although no one will admit it.

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Feb 2Liked by Pairodocs

Right on. Looking forward to the next installment! I have been thinking for a while - and esp since 2020 - that the crisis (war) of our time is actually being waged between we who recognize that to be alive is a mysterious miracle that blends these seen and Unseen, and those who seem doomed by their unrelenting attachment to the belief that life is mechanistic, predictable and absolutely devoid of Consciousness-as-Spirit. One need not call the Unseen Connective Power God to feel Its Presence -- but for those who believe that the highest state of being will come from human technological reinvention of the elegant symbiosis of Nature...? It seems there can be no peace or truly fulfilling Being at any time, ever. And so, from them...? We get "harm reduction" and MAID

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Absolutely brilliant piece, Chris. Thank you.

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Feb 3Liked by Pairodocs

Excellent piece. We need to give everyone a reason to get up and have a goal to achieve every day..

Like a job!!!

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Feb 3Liked by Pairodocs

Just this morning I read an article in the Medical Post about the "success" of the BC Safer Supply Program. Since it was introduced, overdose deaths have increased, not decreased! Yes, they claim the program is a success even though the death rate continues to rise. This is mind boggling! https://www.canadianhealthcarenetwork.ca/health-officer-advises-bc-offer-smokable-fentanyl-report-backing-safer-supply?utm_source=swiftmail&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=CHN_NL_Physician_DoctorDaily&mkt_tok=ODI1LUxTUC01NDUAAAGRDWKhsENnB48a2-FTbScNQ-Ed51uOQ12D6jkerN04cjgmmdaPdspSi8p2WTlVa_Fbklg2UJ-gyGi-md4HkSyXcc_MRUqG_uA2h0ETqJXSYdjk

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I’ve been thinking about the same problem, and in fact am working on a Substack post. Don’t worry, my take on it is slightly different, although I suspect we will arrive at the same conclusion, which is that the current received wisdom and approach are obviously not working.

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Feb 2Liked by Pairodocs

Blimey! You guys are taking on the huge and complex with this series. Working in this field over many years I came to the conclusion that there were many ways to head into addiction. One indeed involves the drinking social life...I speak as someone who ran the medical college student bar, which certainly gave me a reason for getting up in the morning though not necessarily in a great way. As for some of the brewery reps who drank small beers but all day, professionally so to speak, I could tell you stories. Given that we have all met people who just stopped alone, after concluding that they would die if they didn't, not to mention folks who were able to return to at least socially acceptable use with change of life circumstances, and on the other hand people who just refused to consider stopping even in liver failure, are we really dealing with a moral weakness as Dalrymple has suggested, at least in most cases? Of course Mr Harari wants must of us useless to rely on drugs and computer games after the great reset is completed....bread and circuses updated.

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Reading your work brings forth a lot of memories of working with patients who had alcohol and drug addictions. The first nursing unit I worked on back in the early 80’s was a EENT floor that did a small business as physical detox. I remember one family doctor whom I deeply admired.

He had a protocol for his alcoholics, consisting of IV B vitamins, paraldehyde shots that had to be given using glass syringes and another concoction ( can’t remember what) in decreasing dosages.

His patients always did well, BUT he also came on to the floor and took his patients to a 12 step program three times a week. He was a recovering alcoholic himself.

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Feb 3Liked by Pairodocs

Brilliant, Chris, as always! Can't wait to see the next piece! Take care!

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Good work, as usual. Many thanks.

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And then there is the accompanying violence. My neighbour's son disappeared 2 weeks ago with his 2 druggie friends. One friend has already been found dead and her son is still missing. I cross paths with her almost every day. The woman is broken. And this is not in the big city. (Truro, N.S.)...My town has a growing collection of addicts wandering around the town center where I work. Some of them are in a bad way mentally. I watch my back when they are close by.

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