Thanks again for a very interesting view of where things are currently. I have been out of the field 10 years. I was one of the docs who went back to cover detox units where nurse prescribing had been discovered to be illegal (!) and much clearly wrong then, for example with revolving door, multiple site detox, but abstinence still favoured. ( I have much sympathy with Dalrymple's view that addiction is essentially a moral problem with medical consequences.) Yet here we are again with language control...'safe supply', defenestration of opponents, refusal to debate, attacking what works, removal of any rules for 'victims' and terrible social consequences.....which are .of course, ignored. All part of the great marxist social deconstruction assault on our society.

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Thanks for a rational view from a professional. I'm in Vancouver and it's obvious that the current policy is not only ineffective but harmful. I suspect a key to almost all of the mental health issues we see regularly today comes down to lack of long-term supportive relationships within our communities.

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Is the Free Speech in Medicine conference open to the general public, or is it specifically for doctors and other Healthcare professionals?

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It is open to everyone! We had quite a few doctors and nurses last year, but also a wide variety of non-medical people. Anyone who is interested in these issues is welcome. It was a great experience last year, being able to discuss controversial issues with deeply thoughtful and diverse--in the best sense of that word--people from all walks of life.

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To add to what Julie said above - the things that we discuss at the conference definitely verge into the technical at times, but are very accessible to people who don't have medical backgrounds. If you are interested in really thinking about topics deeply, you'll enjoy the conference. We cover topics that are of societal importance and thus of general interest. ie: a regular medical conference might spend a lot of time about the details of a specific new diabetic treatment. That is not the purpose of FSIM. If we talk about diabetes some year, it would be about the bigger questions, like why are so many people diabetic in 2023.

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Thank you

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Thank you

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